Māori Christian Fellowship

E te whānau a te Karaiti, ka nui te mihi!  We offer Māori Christian fellowship and ministry as a part of Chaplaincy VUW. Want to connect? Check out this page!

 My name is Māmari Stephens, I am the Māori chaplain, and you are welcome to contact me on maorichaplain@vuw.ac.nz. I am happy to get together to pray, to read the Bible, or just to talk with you about it means to be Māori and Christian.  We have a small & happy Māori Christian fellowship on campus, and you are also welcome to join us for prayer and korero.

Our usual trimester prayer times (“Wā Īnoi”) are Wednesdays at 9.15. We meet at Te Herenga Waka at Ramsey House, 8 Kelburn Parade, or get in touch for a zoom link. You are also most welcome to join the Facebook group Māori & Christian, take part in our kōrerorero, and make some new friends. Nau mai, kuhu mai, e hoa mā!